PLEASE READ: Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we are temporarily unable to offer the Resume Genius scholarship. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we hope to have the scholarship available again as soon as possible.
Resume Genius is a highly reviewed, US based industry leader in resume services, having been in operation since 2008. Over the years we have helped tens of thousands of job seekers improve their resume, enabling them to make the next step in their life path.
Typically, some of the poorest resumes we see come from students. With little to no professional experience, these candidates often struggle to construct a meaningful and detailed document that will help them transition into a career, post academia.
However, there are a number of factors that can be incorporated into an ‘Entry Level’ resume to give the student a powerful and effective document, such as:
- Part time or volunteer work
- Internships, club/society affiliations
- Sporting achievements/certifications
- Academic achievement & qualifications
Our scholarship program is designed to get the student population of the US thinking about resumes at an early stage, ensuring they have practice in this essential area of career progression, before they head into the vocational world.
Every December, we are offering a $1,000 scholarship to the student who can create the best resume, based on the life of any fictional or non-fictional character, from TV, history, literature or myth.
How to apply
Create a resume based on the life of any fictional or non-fictional character, from TV, history, literature or myth. The resume SHOULD NOT be about yourself. Again, do NOT make a resume about your own experiences. Resumes should be no longer than two pages.
Resume submissions can come in word, PDF, or info-graphic format, attached to an email and sent to The body of the email should include:
Your name
University attending (if applicable)
A brief introduction about yourself
All applications will receive a confirmation email upon receipt on our end.
1. Staff at Resume Genius remember the hardship of being a student so want to make this scholarship available to as many students as possible! As such, we do not require any sort of minimum GPA, and both domestic and international students may apply.
2. All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, in full-time university education for the semester they are applying to receive the scholarship fund.
3. One application can be made per student, per semester.
Due Date / Timing
The $1000 Scholarship will be available each Spring semester:
Temporarily Unavailable.
School and University Participation
Please help raise awareness of this scholarship opportunity amongst the student body at your school. You can post details from this page on any relevant pages of your website, include it in your newsletters, and/or share it via social media
Link Information
Facebook page:
Any questions or inquiries regarding school participation, or for more information about School and University outreach programs run by Resume Genius, please email:
Useful resources to help you write your resume
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