Headshot of Dominique Vatin, CPRW


Dominique Vatin

Career Coach and Resume Expert (CPRW)


Taipei, Taiwan


3 years

About Me

Dominique Vatin is a Staff Writer and Career Advisor at Resume Genius. A Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Dominique enjoys leveraging her knowledge of the career space to provide invaluable guidance for job seekers looking for more fulfilling work opportunities.

With an M.A. from Yonsei University GSIS (Seoul, South Korea), Dominique’s insights have been quoted across the internet by authority websites like Yahoo! Finance and We Work Remotely.

Interested in reaching out for a collaboration or a media-related query? Contact her via LinkedIn.



  • Successfully pitched numerous career-related advice to journalists in an effort to boost brand visibility
  • Localized a career resource website from English to French under a shortened deadline
  • Led French content development efforts to promote sustainable website growth


Dominique’s favorite template

Genius Resume Template

The "Clean" Resume Template

general thoughts

I'm pretty partial to the Clean template for its minimalist design, easy readability, and balance between bold color and classic black and white.

favorite points

  • Efficient, bold colored two-column design
  • A bold colored contact information and skills section immediately shows off what you can do best in a highly organized manner
  • Simple layout and color scheme of the résumé introduction and body is optimized for navigating the page quickly and efficiently
  • Subtle creativity thanks to its Catamaran, Nunito, and Poppins fonts while still ensuring professionalism and readability
Use This Template

Featured article written by Dominique

illustration of a flight attendant, a detective and a locomotive engineer.

10 Highest-Paying Jobs Without a Degree in 2025

Looking for a job that pays well without needing to settle expensive student loans? These 10 high-paying jobs don’t require a four-year college degree, and you may already qualify (or be close to qualifying) to apply for them.